I'm in miami B****. - Reisverslag uit Atlanta, Verenigde Staten van Marijn Nust - WaarBenJij.nu I'm in miami B****. - Reisverslag uit Atlanta, Verenigde Staten van Marijn Nust - WaarBenJij.nu

I'm in miami B****.

Door: Marijn Nust

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Marijn

21 Maart 2014 | Verenigde Staten, Atlanta

I realise it's been quite a while since I last updated this bog and I'm sorry about that, I will no longer deprive you of your need to know what I'm up to out here.

The reason it took so long for me to finally write on my blog again, is, plain and simple, I have been busy. With all the midterm-madness and the hanging out with friends, I just kind of forgot.

First off, I made all A's on my midterms (the equivalent of 92% or higher, which is good because it improves my chances of actually being accepted into a grad-school program (yes I am considering doing my masters here). With all that taken care of, it was time to concentrate on the assignments I need to do in order to conclude my 3rd year at the HAN, and these assignments are not the least bit fun, but hey, I managed to get it all done in time, before departing for Miami.

Miami, just so you know, is entirely different from Atlanta. In Miami it is all abut money, when you don't have money, you will not be getting anywhere (I'm talking 15 dollar heinekens in the clubs etc.). And, if you want to party, be over 21! I am 20 so the first problem to tackle would be my age, because all clubs in Miami are 21+, luckily, paying a doorman 20 bucks will get you in. We tried to get in somewhere (free entry) and the guy looked at me and just said "just show me something, any card it doesn't matter" so I showed him my library card and he let me in.

Mim, Reinaldo and Gabriel are all over 21, which made it easier for me to get in by just pretending I forgot my ID, it was easier than expected.

The beach was beautiful, even though the sun burned me like crazy, it was great! CSI Miami shots all over the place, of course, the swimming was nice.

And now it's back to "reality" in Atlanta, even though it still feels strange to actually live in ATL, it does feel like home.

I will try to upload some pictures on this blog within the next week, until than, have a good one!

  • 27 Maart 2014 - 16:58

    Jan Linders:

    Hi Marijnn in the land of opportunity - which includes the opportunity to spend an awful lot of bucks, doesn't it......? Glad you enjoyed Miami and it's funny that you say 'now I'm back home in Atlanta' ......but it IS your temporay home, isn't it? Congratulations on your A's and it would be very special indeed to do your Masters in the States, wouldn't it? Well, you'll cross that bridge when you get there, won't you?
    greetz, take care, Jan

  • 27 Maart 2014 - 17:03

    Marijn Nust:

    Hhaha, it sort of comes with the package Jan. I expected to spend a lot so I guess that makes it okay! Even though it's not home, it is, I've met so many wonderful people here, it feels like another home.

  • 09 April 2014 - 14:07

    Jan Linders:

    Hi Marijn, enjoy Atlanta part 2 and its wonderful people.....greetz, Jan

  • 06 Mei 2014 - 22:04

    Jan Linders:

    Hi Marijn, hope everything's fine in the land of opportunity! greetz, Jan

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I'm a Dutch student (studying English) who is going to live in Atlanta, Georgia for a period of 4 months. I wil be keeping everyone updated on my endeavours through this blog.

Actief sinds 03 Jan. 2014
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06 Januari 2014 - 07 Juli 2014

Atlanta Georgia

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